A Few Words....

Mostly use principles of traditional Vedic Astrology. This a non-commercial venture.
Some old publications of the author on various topics done at various times in the past, including predictions for '911' are listed under 'LINKS' .........

Monday, December 04, 2017

18 November to 18 December 2017 – Month's Global Mundane, Political & Financial Astrological Predictions

The astrological assessment or 'the predictions' based on New Moon Chart:
1.    Very aggressive posturing for gains and profit.
2.    Legal compliance and restraints along with profit motives will keep the rhetoric milder.
3.    There will be sharing and loosening of hold on power to ensure collectiveness.
4.    Investments in property sector and cashing the margin is very likely, even though supply will improve.
5.    A lot of pre-emptive and anticipatory plans and actions shall be undertaken.
6.    Degree of selfishness in intellectual pursuits and levels of motivations could be high.
7.    Moist strong winds are likely. Extreme temperatures may be few.
8.    Emotional levels shall be high and optimism will come easy.
9.    The self will be more important supported by the sense of wealth and ability to earn more.
10.  A month or so of overcoming challenges and opposition, and trying to re-establish command.
11.  Increase in friendships, albeit more like alliances.
12.  Supremacy of  law and legality. Justice and emancipation therefrom.
The Astrological Energy Chart is given below for reference

Astro-Chart (Click on Picture to Enlarge)
Good Wishes! AKxyz (Astro)
There can be but one God. All Religions and faiths must imbibe this.

Monday, November 06, 2017

19 October to 18 November 2017 – Month's Global Mundane, Political & Financial Astrological Predictions

The astrological assessment or 'the predictions' based on New Moon Chart:

1.    Jostling for political future shall be seen. Weakness shall be seen on both sides. Skewed benignness.
2.    Monetary strategies will be executed at fairly large scale.
3.    Intellectualization of the instinctive hormonal pressures and desires will persist for some time.
4.    Promoting the next generation for leadership.
5.    Attempts to mobilize and energize the armed forces and such other forces.
6.    Intellectual perceptions and curiosities will be enhanced, as will be the attempt to encash knowledge.
7.    Authority may be subverted or affected due to revelations and probably some scandals.
8.    Seeking freedom and probably redemption will be seen.
9.    Children will make mistakes and learn from them – but other influences will try and and detract their minds.
10.  Destruction of properties is likely.
11.  Weather should generally be mild and comfortable. Some gusty storms over the seas and such places can be seen.
12.  Asia, more towards the South East and Far East could see some devilish propensities.
The Astrological Energy Chart is given below for reference
Astro-Chart (Click on Picture to Enlarge)
Good Wishes! AKxyz (Astro)
Link: AKxyz.Blogspot.com
Is a Just Democracy the best form of Socialism?
Is Monarchy the worst face of Communism?

Friday, October 20, 2017

Saturday, September 23, 2017

20st September to 19th October 2017 – Month's Global Mundane, Political & Financial Astrological Predictions

The astrological assessment or 'the predictions' based on New Moon Chart:

1.    Skewed is one word that comes forth for what is likely to describe this period. Tendency will be for things to become worse.
2.    Governance will require/ get support from all quarters. Leaders may listen to the echoes of their own ideas and believe them to be approvals.
3.    Armed forces will intellectually and emotionally, to some extent, be at a level of having been 'fattened' and be more likely to react inconsiderately when easily provoked.
4.    The thought processes will instinctively be tending to take advantage of the situation, more so by causing debacles of the established. This will be heightened with the easy come pleasures.
5.    The sage like elders will have to take cues and act to share wisdom than sit out the and depend on mild form of calming influencing. This is not the time for the media and the like to settle scores.
6.    The financial leveraging will take a hit from changes in policies and other decrees, etc. Expenditure patterns will be sustained if not increased. As indicated in the graph below; falls are likely more so due to encashment and changes in investment patterns than many other things.
7.    An extension of the 'summer' like conditions is likely – especially in the wind patterns. Some amelioration in the conditions around America's but likely increase in activity towards South East and Far East.
8.    Leakage of intelligence and other information..
9.    Befriending and encashing the enemy.
10.  Proxy in dealings.
11.  Quoting texts, etc.
12.  Indications of a higher order authority for the future.

The Astrological Energy Chart is given below for reference

Astro-Chart (Click on Picture to Enlarge)

Good Wishes!

AKxyz (Astro)


There are 'good people' and there are 'not so good people' – of all creed, color, status, and birth.


However seemingly convenient, differences should not 'divide' us.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

21st August to 19th September 2017 – Month's Global Mundane, Political & Financial Astrological Predictions

The astrological assessment or 'the predictions' based on New Moon Chart:
1.    Establishment may be undermined by an internal self-committed loss of control.
2.    The rest will assiduously work towards establishing the logical paths
3.    Some major changes in overall policies should be seen at the global level.
4.    There is likelihood of booking profits and encashing investments.
5.    Financial and businesses may become targets of aggressive motivations.
6.    The government may be flush with tax money.
7.    Work place ethos may show people wanting to take advantage of gains from past efforts and consolidate their positions.
8.    Lack of information may force many decisions to be taken on the bases of intelligent conclusions.
9.    Reduction in humidity is likely – or there may be reduction in precipitation.
10.   Holidaying and enjoying may be seen to be on the rise. People just want to have fun.
11.  There could be more demand than supply for real estate assets.
12.  Take overs and coups may be seen. Earthquakes and the likes will be seen near water bodies.
The Astrological Energy Chart is given below for reference

Astro-Chart (Click on Picture to Enlarge)
Good Wishes!
AKxyz (Astro)
Capitalism in a truly Just Society allows Individualism to thrive without sacrificing Humanity.

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Good Luck
Astro (AK)

Sunday, July 23, 2017

23rd Juy to 21st August 2017 – Month's Global Mundane, Political & Financial Astrological Predictions

The astrological assessment or 'the predictions' based on New Moon Chart:
1.    Restraining the forces will be important.
2.    There will be circumstances that will help build up public opinion seeking strong actions – though the same sentiment could be misused or misinterpreted.
3.    Logic and maturity should be allowed to prevail including long term economic interests.
4.    Dissemination of the correct information should be pursued and done.
5.    Maintaining decorum while being treated non-inclusively will be seen.
6.    In general the lower echelons will not be able to have a say or be attended to.
7.    Self-indulgent tendencies will be on the rise.
8.    The next generation will somehow be able to dominate the proceedings.
9.    Moderate to high precipitation levels could be seen. The winds should be warmer than usual and laden with humidity.
10.  Earthen structures and even the earth's crust could seem to be weak.
11.  Restraints on financial or cash flows could be seen.
12.  Achievements could be genuine so could be the levels of comfort, etc. but they could be marred by a sad sort of aggressive ego.
The Astrological Energy Chart is given below for reference
Astro-Chart (Click on Picture to Enlarge)

Good Wishes!
AKxyz (Astro)
A sense of insecurity can take away the joy of enjoying the blessings bestowed upon us.

Monday, June 26, 2017

24th June to 23rd Juy 2017 - New Moon Global Mundane, Political & Financial Astrological Predictions

The astrological assessment or 'the predictions':

1.    Unearthing will get motivated and will have financial implications.
2.    Investment patterns may change and alternative areas will be preferred.
3.    Wheeling dealing and misdirected things. The logic and pattern will become clear.
4.    Feat of knowledge shall be forthcoming. Could be of value and benefit.
5.    Socially relevant facts and figures shall be released.
6.    Employment sector could have issues but figures could be good.
7.    Legal embattlements could linger but some light could shine through.
8.    Strange dryness to the weather could be experienced. Which could result in localized deluges.
9.    Children could be exposed to, by the traditional path, to the concepts of political divides.
10.  Some decision taken by the authorities could lead to loss of life, etc.
11.  Pursuing wealth and money may take on a sinister trend for this period.
12.  Sectors other than the Government will make inroads into creating a better world.

The Astrological Energy Chart is given below for reference

Check out the markets in comparison.
Astro-Chart (Click on Picture to Enlarge)
Good Wishes!
AKxyz (Astro

We focus more on the flares rather than the Sun itself.