A Few Words....

Mostly use principles of traditional Vedic Astrology. This a non-commercial venture.
Some old publications of the author on various topics done at various times in the past, including predictions for '911' are listed under 'LINKS' .........

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Free Astrological Predictions – Mundane & Personal, 19 – 25 August, 2024

Free Astrological Predictions –

Mundane & Personal,

19 – 25 August, 2024


The Week-general:

Management will take a more hands-on approach.

Complexities of the balancing finances will be an issue.

May take the two heads approach.

Clearly aimed at establishing effective controls.

People may tend to ride the wave without adequate resources.



One needs to be careful of financial complexities.

Avoid confrontations even with no choice but to oppose.

Avoid taking contradictory actions/ approach.

You may want to be an achiever.

Work should be rewarding; at times challenging.


Mon 19 Aug 24

Tithi: 58% left, Poornima, Brt, Moon, 24.2H

Naksh: 83% left, Dhanishta, Mar, 30.1H

Strnths: 38% av.strng, 23% Ti.str

Plnts: )(Ve-wk,

General: New places. Gains. Property matters may not really profitable. Do not over revise things. Be simple and pragmatic.


Tue 20 Aug 24

Tithi: 44% left, Prathma, Drk, Agni, 21.2H

Naksh: 73% left, Shatabhisha, Rah, 27.8H

Strnths: 32% av.strng, 20% Ti.str

Plnts: )(Ve-wk,

General: Collaborative things for financial considerations. Creating issues for the juniors/ subordinates. Be cordial.


Wed 21 Aug 24

Tithi: 29% left, Dwitya, Drk, Brahma, 18.1H

Naksh: 62% left, Purva Bhadrapada, Jup, 25.6H

Strnths: 31% av.strng, 19% Ti.str

Plnts: )(Ve-wk, Ra-wk,

General: The obstacles are not over, the results are not acceptable. Older versions may be good; save them. Avoid confusion, simplify it.


Thu 22 Aug 24

Tithi: 14% left, Tritya, Drk, Parvati, 15H

Naksh: 52% left, Uttara Bhadrapada, Sat, 23.4H

Strnths: 27% av.strng, 20% Ti.str

Plnts: )(Ve-wk, Ra-wk,

General: The losses to the peers/ partners. Feel good knowledge could cause losses. Juniors may be made to pay price. Big goals.


Fri 23 Aug 24

Tithi: 1% left, Chaturthi, Drk, Ganesh, 12.1H

Naksh: 42% left, Revati, Mer, 21.4H

Strnths: 12% av.strng, 22% Ti.str

Plnts: )(Me-wk, Ve-wk, Ra-wk, Ke-wk,

General: Understanding the implications. Looking back/ revising. Stronger desire leading to relationships.


Sat 24 Aug 24

Tithi: 88% left, Shashti, Drk, Kartikeya, 31.3H

Naksh: 34% left, Ashwini, Ke, 19.7H

Strnths: 27% av.strng, 24% Ti.str

Plnts: Mo-st, )(Me-wk, Ve-wk, Ra-wk, Ke-wk,

General: Social linkages and relationships. Need to understand the differences in personalities. Do not make it necessary or inevitable.


Sun 25 Aug 24

Tithi: 78% left, Saptami, Drk, Surya, 29.5H

Naksh: 28% left, Bharani, Ven, 18.4H

Strnths: 43% av.strng, 25% Ti.str

Plnts: Mo-st, )(Ve-wk, Ra-wk, Ke-wk,

General: Weakness of consequences of actions may appear. May have to pay the dues/ liabilities. Do not be proud of ignorance.



 Astro AKxyz


