A Few Words....

Mostly use principles of traditional Vedic Astrology. This a non-commercial venture.
Some old publications of the author on various topics done at various times in the past, including predictions for '911' are listed under 'LINKS' .........

Thursday, December 13, 2018

2018 Astrological Energy Curve - For Comparison

This is based on calculations every 12 days.


It seems, there is fairly good correspondence - especially if you compare with the 'Monthly Chart'.

A bleached world or a world dyed in one color would look weird and be weird. Though, there is only good in keeping it clean of all pollution, not just 'the one'.

Good Wishes
AKxyz (Astro)

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

2019 Astrological Predictions - Global, Mundane, Political & Financial.

Astrological Energy Curve.
Astrological Energy Level Curve for 2019
This curve only indicates the ambient astrological energy levels.
So, it is applicable as measure of an undercurrent for personal as well as mundane events.
Note: Dates are for Dateline day start.

The Predictions:

  1. Self defeating alliances and interactions are likely to dominate, as self interest may be disproportionate.
  2. Unnecessary use of authority may be used to rationalize the self centered goals.
  3. Academic discussions and intellectual dissection of issues will be used to improve projections and increase the feel good and feel secure factors.
  4. Health issues may dominate things in many ways.
  5. Money will be made by many, without much sense of satisfaction.
  6. Women may be under pressure to become more aggressive and probably insensitive.
  7. Education, housing, vehicles, and such sectors should flourish.
  8. Deficit financing shall be on the lower side, with credit being expensive.
  9. Reduction in understandings and collaborative things is likely. Marriages at risk.
  10. Religiosity, philosophy, travels, and general reduction in hatred towards each other likely.
  11. Work related things should stabilize and improve. This may be seen in more work opportunities, though with a little more authoritarianism.
  12. In general, people will enjoy the good benefits of networking, feeling empowered and endowed.
It is very difficult to understand and value oneself, unless we make comparisons; which should not be bereft of appreciation of the variety that is present in Nature. And, Nature itself evolved in all its complexity from impelled gas and dust particles in huge open spaces.

Link: akxyz.blogspot.com

Caution: Even though there are theoretical and mathematical percepts suggesting rationale behind astrology, still due to generalized nature of above propositions, one should use them with some misgiving.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

15 May to 13 June 2018 – Month's Global Mundane, Political & Financial Astrological Predictions

The astrological assessment or 'the predictions' based on New Moon Chart:
1.    Clearly domination and control will be strong aspects to many things in the world. At the same time preservation of life will be a consideration. Communications could be misworded and/ or misleading. Desire to be rich and roll in cash will be high. Thoughts will ponder more on the mysterious rather than mundane. As logical approach to things will be practically absent, it becomes imperative that rules are followed and transgressions avoided.
The Astrological Energy Chart is given below for reference
Astro-Chart (Click on Picture to Enlarge)
Good Wishes! AKxyz (Astro)
·         More than any other thing it seems that presently the world needs Macro and Micro Logic to ensure prevalence of Global Humaneness and Personal Justice – which are as good Universal Goals as any.

Sunday, April 08, 2018

16 April to 15 May, 2018 – Month's Global Mundane, Political & Financial Astrological Predictions

The astrological assessment or 'the predictions' based on New Moon Chart:
1.    Vehicular accidents and assassination attempts are likely. Focus may be on advisors of populist sort of persons. Those in position should also be careful. Temperamental states will be seen at multi levels, whereas the legality of situations will continue to preserve things. Very few will be spared the intense.
The Astrological Energy Chart is given below for reference
Astro-Chart (Click on Picture to Enlarge)
Markets Predictions Astrology Chart

Good Wishes! AKxyz (Astro)
·         Marriages are made in Heaven. And people aspire for the Heaven, after leaving their mortal coil.

Thursday, March 29, 2018

17 March to 16 April, 2018 – Month's Global Mundane, Political & Financial Astrological Predictions

The astrological assessment or 'the predictions' based on New Moon Chart:
1.    Despite provocative and tempting circumstances, the behavior and impressions may be more controlled and within measures of protocol. Though, the mind set will be more likely to get provoked than not. Except some storms and a few earth shaking events, the weather and nature should be beautiful.
The Astrological Energy Chart is given below for reference
Astro-Chart (Click on Picture to Enlarge)

Good Wishes! AKxyz (Astro)
Irrespective of all freaky incidents of paranormal nature, it is the normal things that are most confusing – such as the normal behavior of the nearly 8 billion people on this earth, who pursue mindless violence.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

14 February 17 March 2018 – Month's Global Mundane, Political & Financial Astrological Predictions

The astrological assessment or 'the predictions' based on New Moon Chart:
1.    Bellicose and unfettered attitude in governance, causing conflict of interest. Armed forces may be used to support democratic institutions. A lot of statistical information may be at variance with conclusions projected. Legal actions.Violent storms are not unlikely.
The Astrological Energy Chart is given below for reference
Astro-Chart (Click on Picture to Enlarge)

Good Wishes! AKxyz (Astro)

·         Hybrid races, cultures and faiths allow for a better evolution by natural selection; as long as the freedoms are not denied. Some nations are benefiting from this long term policy.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

17 January to 14 February 2018 – Month's Global Mundane, Political & Financial Astrological Predictions

The astrological assessment or 'the predictions' based on New Moon Chart:
1.    Increase in Authoritarianism is rather likely to be seen.
The Astrological Energy Chart is given below for reference

Astro-Chart (Click on Picture to Enlarge)
Good Wishes! AKxyz (Astro)

·         As there can be but one creator; all beings of all faiths, must universally come under the purview of all religions and faiths.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

17 December to 16 January 2018 – Month's Global Mundane, Political & Financial Astrological Predictions

The Astrological Energy Chart is given below for reference

Good Wishes! AKxyz (Astro)
·         You do not become the best by destroying everything better !