A Few Words....

Mostly use principles of traditional Vedic Astrology. This a non-commercial venture.
Some old publications of the author on various topics done at various times in the past, including predictions for '911' are listed under 'LINKS' .........

Friday, November 03, 2006

Friday, 3rd November 2006

Future Predictions Dow Jones Nasdaq US Market Stock Share Financial Astrology Astrological Free Predictions etc......

Realization that debt levels are too high. Futures availability is sustained, but present situation uncomfortable.

Realized payments and funds may be able to give a positive start.

Foreign investments and overseas inflows could make the closing look good.


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Thursday, 2nd November 2006

Future Predictions Dow Jones Nasdaq US Market Stock Share Financial Astrology Astrological Free Predictions etc......

Polarization and cross influences will be present. Short term liquidity may be tending to become an issue. Traditional trading patterns and traders may be visible.

A certain disregard for many things negative. Tending to take charge. Positive tentative start.

There could be cumulative effect of the pressures and some bad news. Things may not look too bad at the end.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Wednesday, 1st November 2006 (daylight saving is over)

Future Predictions Dow Jones Nasdaq US Market Stock Share Financial Astrology Astrological Free Predictions etc......

Apprehensions of the future, will be mellowed by past memories of emergence from difficult situations. People will be apprehensive of their own instabilities and doubts. Making others richer.

Despite the negative feelings, previous commitments should tend to give the markets a positive start.

Credit availability may be good, and the ending may have some intrinsic weakness, but look comfortable.


Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Tuesday, 31st October 2006 (daylight saving is over)

Predictions Dow Jones Nasdaq US Market Stock Share Financial Astrology Astrological Future Free Predictions etc......

Inability to create liquidity of the resources. This will result in surges. Strange skewed plays.

Promising and secure sectors will be in focus. Patterns will be watched. Positive start.

Pressures and complicated things could become visible. Indices may be up - credit things will not feel right.


Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday, 30th October 2006 (daylight saving is over)

Predictions Dow Jones, Nasdaq, US, Market, Stock, Share, Financial, Astrology, Astrological, Future, Free Predictions, etc......

Sense of insecurity, lack of direction, bindings, commitments, etc. could make people off load while seemingly giving away.

Some influx may tend to give an unsure but positive opening.

Accounting imbalances, and not too good balance sheets may tend to make a kill with huge action. Markets should close down.