A Few Words....

Mostly use principles of traditional Vedic Astrology. This a non-commercial venture.
Some old publications of the author on various topics done at various times in the past, including predictions for '911' are listed under 'LINKS' .........

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Dow Jones & US Markets Predictions

Friday, 09 March 2007

OPEN; Normal positivity. Backed by much money there is chance that
some formal opposition to market moves will be present.

CLOSE; Some kind of restrictions self or otherwise imposed will show
more moderation, even though inflows and outflows could be high.

!!!; predictions can be misleading & wrong!

Dow Jones & US Markets Predictions

Predictions for Thursday, 08 March 2007

OPEN; Complicated picture. Likely rise. Utilising arising cash and credit.

CLOSE; Reduced investments, small profits, and sort of doldrums.

!!!; predictions can be misleading & wrong!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Dow Jones & US Markets Predictions

TUESDAY CLOSE; Monitored credit lines. Building up capacity. Using up
spending money. Somewhat successful in encashing positivity.

WEDNESDAY OPEN; Making investments broadbased. Things could be
slightly dashed by some policy factor.

WEDNESDAY CLOSE; Accounting and technical factors could make things
negative. Otherwise the general inflow for bullishness should be

!!!; predictions can be misleading & wrong!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Dow Jones & US Markets Predictions

MONDAY CLOSE; limited options but to invest. recovering from trough.
symbolic buying. more interest in buying during falling.

TUESDAY OPEN; evolving and developing credit lines. preferring
increased investments. trying to establish bullishness.

