A Few Words....

Mostly use principles of traditional Vedic Astrology. This a non-commercial venture.
Some old publications of the author on various topics done at various times in the past, including predictions for '911' are listed under 'LINKS' .........

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Predictions that read very well now...

From http://www.geocities.com/akxyz/futstr.html
Special long term influences (May'08 onwards):

Things seem to be likely to go through strong motions over the next year and a half.

There will be a lot of people who will find it difficult to return to their old homes.

Those trying to make money will make most for others. This may include spending.

People will probably get spiked by uncertainties. Loss of values is likely. Support from large investors putting back profits with government is likely.

Work force management will take on global dimensions. Migration will be used profitably.

Strong tendencies in temperaments and attitudes will become prevalent. Inabilities and tough opposition will make it difficult for things to be appeased.

Chronicity could appear in illness. Affections to reproductive parts and cerebral affects are likely.

Failure of Asian financial institution is likely. East-Far East could see slow deaths.

European discords could increase. Erosion of academics based policies is also likely in Americas.

Areas adjoining Indian sub continent could regularly report accidents and fatalities, etc.

Humidity in hot areas and heat in wet areas could combine with vertical currents moving down to create havoc.

The aggressive optimism will be a bad potion. Well placed persons could be hit by scandals.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Predictions that were and still are for the year.....

Posted in January 2008 at http://www.geocities.com/akxyz, for the year 2008
(these should be read in conjunction with month and mid-month predictions at the site http://www.geocities.com/akxyz or http://us.geocities.com/akxyz)

Excerpts from the predictions:

  • Savings in general will be utilized and in certain cases rapid dissemination of reserves may take place. Accumulation and increase in riches in self's control will be declining.

  • Strong infusions are likely into the markets. Sharp falls will be recorded mostly associated with misplaced over enthusiasm. Strong accounting recoveries are likely to be a good source of positive movements. Unholy leveraging may become visible in other areas.

Also therein for different periods of the year:

13th Sep - 10th Nov: Unlucky

Strong attempts are likely to be made to overcome the systemic problems and bottlenecks. Politics is likely to take on a note of viciousness. There will be politicians who will be vulnerable and security problems could get associated. Financial goodwill will be low which might encourage easing of credit flow. The indices may tend to be more positive. Unexpected deterioration of weather might be seen with build of concentration of humidity. Europe and Africa are likely to be focus of problems and bad news. Proxy influences over Asian areas will continue to be seen. Excitable response and reactions are likely. Sudden incidents of loss of life and vehicles is likely. Revisiting the mergers and alliances. The democratic processes may get more focused. Achievements may be fewer.

10th Nov - 31st Dec: Policies
Cornering power through proxy influences is likely to be strong. Maturity acquiring and learning curve of people will tend to be rather high.
The dramatic extent of political type shows could include strong elements of violence kind of things. Areas of Asia could come under strong direct influence. Political balance and respite may seem to be generated from the South Eastern areas but the effects may fuel the tensions. Restrained rises in the markets may be seeing higher levels of institutional investing. Long term understandings and acceptance will emerge in the workers minds and habits. Diseases could claim lives. New alliances could take shape. Formal war mongering is possible. There may be some strong economic strategies announced or taken up. Future will seem to challenging where the challenging sections may take upon themselves to solve problems.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Plot your curve for the market.....

  1. see the predictions for finances in "year predictions" at http://www.geocities.com/akxyz/year.html or http://www.us.geocities.com/akxyz/year.html
  2. read the general predictions to make an overall impression.
  3. read the predictions for different periods of the year
  4. plot a curve from the predictions.
  5. read monthly (geocities.com/akxyz/month.html) and mid-month (geocities.com/akxyz/futstr.html) predictions
  6. modify or plot monthly curves therefrom
  7. voila - see how things fare?!

this exercise can be tested for previous years/ months, as old predictions are archived there (http://geocities.com/akxyz) or (http://us.geocities.com/akxyz)

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Predictions for indices, markets and finances

These are available as specific predictions:

1. for the month (http://www.geocities.com/akxyz/month.html);

2. mid month to mid month (http://www.geocities.com/akxyz/futstr.html);

3. different periods of the year (http://www.geocities.com/akxyz/year.html);

in addition;

4. you can construct predictions for different companies/
countries from predictions at:

Happy investing & earning!