A Few Words....

Mostly use principles of traditional Vedic Astrology. This a non-commercial venture.
Some old publications of the author on various topics done at various times in the past, including predictions for '911' are listed under 'LINKS' .........

Saturday, August 19, 2017

21st August to 19th September 2017 – Month's Global Mundane, Political & Financial Astrological Predictions

The astrological assessment or 'the predictions' based on New Moon Chart:
1.    Establishment may be undermined by an internal self-committed loss of control.
2.    The rest will assiduously work towards establishing the logical paths
3.    Some major changes in overall policies should be seen at the global level.
4.    There is likelihood of booking profits and encashing investments.
5.    Financial and businesses may become targets of aggressive motivations.
6.    The government may be flush with tax money.
7.    Work place ethos may show people wanting to take advantage of gains from past efforts and consolidate their positions.
8.    Lack of information may force many decisions to be taken on the bases of intelligent conclusions.
9.    Reduction in humidity is likely – or there may be reduction in precipitation.
10.   Holidaying and enjoying may be seen to be on the rise. People just want to have fun.
11.  There could be more demand than supply for real estate assets.
12.  Take overs and coups may be seen. Earthquakes and the likes will be seen near water bodies.
The Astrological Energy Chart is given below for reference

Astro-Chart (Click on Picture to Enlarge)
Good Wishes!
AKxyz (Astro)
Capitalism in a truly Just Society allows Individualism to thrive without sacrificing Humanity.

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Good Luck
Astro (AK)