A Few Words....

Mostly use principles of traditional Vedic Astrology. This a non-commercial venture.
Some old publications of the author on various topics done at various times in the past, including predictions for '911' are listed under 'LINKS' .........

Friday, April 02, 2021

AKxyz-April 2021 Astro Energy Curve




Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro


APRIL, 2021 Monthly Astrological Global Predictions -


APRIL, 2021

Monthly Astrological Global Predictions -

1.       Physical, mental and emotional experiences will be disharmonious.

2.       Emotionally things may be agitated, and reactionary of sorts.

3.       Administrative attitude towards facts and their interpretations will be present.

4.       Tendency to be lethargic may also appear, which may derail goals.

5.       Financial/ economic indicators are positive with some volatility likely.

6.       Gains  may actually result in lowering the inflows/ investments.

7.       Children will have many new things to cope with and likely to enjoy things.

8.       Preventive attitudes/ policies will help spiraling downwards of things.

9.       Even partners/peers may find a gap in the energy levels.

10.   Masquerading and trying to appear as someone else may happen.

11.   Some loss of life while undertaking relatively long distance journeys.

12.   Employment related things may pick up and with a sense of well being.

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Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro
