A Few Words....

Mostly use principles of traditional Vedic Astrology. This a non-commercial venture.
Some old publications of the author on various topics done at various times in the past, including predictions for '911' are listed under 'LINKS' .........

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Free Astrological Predictions – Mundane & Personal, 24 Feb. - 02 March 2025

Free Astrological Predictions – Mundane & Personal,

24 Feb. - 02 March 2025


Ref: Noon Indian Standard Time.

“Av.Strng” Avg. strength of all planets.

“Ti.Str” is strength for Sun-Moon


The Week-General:

·        Finances will be in focus.

·        Debts and collateral.

·        Takeovers and mergers.

·        Subordinates and partners.

·        Romances & marriages.

·        Clarity, information and propaganda.

·        Preliminary.



·        Prepare for intense.

·        Segregate personal & professional.

·        Enjoy the good things.

·        Egos could be pronounced.

·        Trying to impress will be seen.


Mon 24 Feb 25

Tithi: 13% left, Ekadashi, Drk, Devas, 14.9H

Naksh: 34% left, Purva Ashadha, Ven, 20H

Strnths: 37% av.strng, 14% Ti.str

Plnts: Mo-st, )(Me-wk, Sa-wk, Ra-wk,

General: Focus on money, cash, etc. Being more self-oriented. Billing etc.


Tue 25 Feb 25

Tithi: 8% left, Dwadashi, Drk, Vishnu, 13.8H

Naksh: 32% left, Uttara Ashadha, Sun, 19.3H

Strnths: 30% av.strng, 8% Ti.str

Plnts: )(Me-wk, Sa-wk, Ra-wk,

General: Budgeting. Merging. Servicing Debt. Circumstances dominate. Changes. Rules. Changing approach. Withdrawing.


Wed 26 Feb 25

Tithi: 100% left, Chaturdashi, Drk, Rudra, 33.4H

Naksh: 27% left, Shravana, Mon, 17.9H

Strnths: 22% av.strng, 4% Ti.str

Plnts: )(Me-wk, Sa-wk, Ra-wk, Ke-wk,

General: Future roles/ positions. Hidden/ secret information. Fast pace. Collateral. New precincts.


Thu 27 Feb 25

Tithi: 88% left, Amavasya, Drk, Pitri, 30.4H

Naksh: 19% left, Dhanishta, Mar, 16H

Strnths: 18% av.strng, 1% Ti.str

Plnts: )(Me-wk, Sa-wk, Ra-wk, Ke-wk,

General: Challenges appear. Revised plans. Diplomatic/ misleading approach. Strong ego & goals. Paying instalments.


Fri 28 Feb 25

Tithi: 73% left, Prathma, Brt, Agni, 27.1H

Naksh: 8% left, Shatabhisha, Rah, 13.7H

Strnths: 18% av.strng, 0% Ti.str

Plnts: )(Me-wk, Sa-wk, Ra-wk, Ke-wk,

General: Dialectical. Tug of war. Seeking liquidity. Understanding. Preparing documents. Inheritances. Making oneself angrier.


Sat 01 Mar 25

Tithi: 57% left, Dwitya, Brt, Brahma, 23.8H

Naksh: 96% left, Uttara Bhadrapada, Sat, 32.5H

Strnths: 19% av.strng, 1% Ti.str

Plnts: )(Sa-wk, Ra-wk, Ke-wk,

General: More sync & synergy. Survival plans. Dissemination of information. Financially relevant. Understanding relations.


Sun 02 Mar 25

Tithi: 41% left, Tritya, Brt, Parvati, 20.4H

Naksh: 84% left, Revati, Mer, 29.9H

Strnths: 26% av.strng, 3% Ti.str

Plnts: )(Sa-wk, Ra-wk, Ke-wk,

General: Seeking information, redemption. Injecting desires/ greed. Prepare for upgradation of relations. Onslaughts and coordination.




Astro AKxyz






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