A Few Words....

Mostly use principles of traditional Vedic Astrology. This a non-commercial venture.
Some old publications of the author on various topics done at various times in the past, including predictions for '911' are listed under 'LINKS' .........

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Free Astrological Predictions – Mundane & Personal, 22 July – 28 July, 2024 !

 Free Astrological Predictions –

Mundane & Personal,

22 July – 28 July, 2024


The Week-general:

·        The appearances could be misleading.

·        Management is likely to be aggressive.

·        May also push the second level to do challenging things.

·        Use of monetary, legal and policing resources may be strong.

·        Some provocation and spoiling of relations.

·        Use of captive knowledge base.

·        An element of encashing to increase fluidity and value may appear.

·        Long term goals may also subsist.



·        Focus on not getting involved more than is necessary.

·        Do not vitiate the relied upon rules and ideas.

·        Focus on sustaining value and avoid risky losses.

·        Dialectics of ego may appear.

·        Actions should always be controlled and graceful.


Mon 22 Jul 24

·        8% left, Prathma, Drk, Agni, 13.8H

·        49% left, Shravana, Mon, 23H

·        46% av.strng, 29% Ti.str

·        )(

·        General: Willing support of resourceful persons. Do not leverage relationships. Mature management required.


Tue 23 Jul 24

·        97% left, Tritya, Drk, Parvati, 32.7H

·        42% left, Dhanishta, Mar, 21.3H

·        41% av.strng, 25% Ti.str

·        )(

·        General: Some souring of things and relations. A selfish and shortsighted approach will not help. Communicate.


Wed 24 Jul 24

·        85% left, Chaturthi, Drk, Ganesh, 30.1H

·        34% left, Shatabhisha, Rah, 19.5H

·        36% av.strng, 23% Ti.str

·        )(

·        General: Communications, motivations, and attitudes may get mixed to create complex ego type of situations.


Thu 25 Jul 24

·        73% left, Panchami, Drk, Sarpa, 27.6H

·        26% left, Purva Bhadrapada, Jup, 17.7H

·        39% av.strng, 23% Ti.str

·        )(Ra-wk,

·        General: Selfish extraction and interests will be on the fore. Unwilling to deflate emotions. Focus on relations.


Fri 26 Jul 24

·        61% left, Shashti, Drk, Kartikeya, 25.3H

·        18% left, Uttara Bhadrapada, Sat, 16.1H

·        41% av.strng, 22% Ti.str

·        )(Ra-wk,

·        General: Intensity of emotions and thoughts could be there. Motivated. May force a change of attitude. Somewhat at a loss of direction.


Sat 27 Jul 24

·        51% left, Saptami, Drk, Surya, 23.2H

·        12% left, Revati, Mer, 14.6H

·        35% av.strng, 22% Ti.str

·        )(Ra-wk,

·        General: Becoming activated by hope and positive inputs. More interested in returns of effort and from position.


Sun 28 Jul 24

·        42% left, Ashtami, Drk, Shiva, 21.2H

·        6% left, Ashwini, Ke, 13.4H

·        48% av.strng, 21% Ti.str

·        Mo-st, )(Ve-wk, Ra-wk,

·        General: Taking benefit of one's position and also of the available support to understand and analyse the situation. Focused on monetary things.


Mon 22 Jul 24

·        8% left, Prathma, Drk, Agni, 13.8H

·        49% left, Shravana, Mon, 23H

·        46% av.strng, 29% Ti.str

·        )(

·        General: Willing support of resourceful persons. Do not leverage relationships. Mature management required.





Astro AKxyz




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