A Few Words....

Mostly use principles of traditional Vedic Astrology. This a non-commercial venture.
Some old publications of the author on various topics done at various times in the past, including predictions for '911' are listed under 'LINKS' .........

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Free Astrological Predictions – Mundane & Personal, 27 May – 02 June, 2024

 Free Astrological Predictions – Mundane & Personal, 27 May – 02 June, 2024


The Week-general: Preparedness for disenchantment and somewhat aggressive behaviour will be there already.  A weakening trend may be visible. Management will try to be assertive. Inputs from multiple quarters will have to be taken. Weaknesses may get exposed. Selfish equations may be present on both sides.


Advice-general: Avoid getting involved in things. A certain volatility is likely. Wisdom/ guidance will be used but not recognized. Slowly things may tend to be more reasonable and balanced.


Mon 27 May 24

28% left, Chaturthi, Drk, Ganesh, 18.3H

98% left, Uttara Ashadha, Sun, 35H

64% av strng, 50% vstr

Su-st, /

General: Maintaining status, emerging from vulnerabilities. Hidden reactivity.


Tue 28 May 24

22% left, Panchami, Drk, Sarpa, 17H

96% left, Shravana, Mon, 34.2H

66% av strng, 45% vstr

Su-st, Mo-st, / Ve-wk,

General: Strong projection of resources and strength. Somewhat aimless. Hoping it will work.


Wed 29 May 24

15% left, Shashti, Drk, Kartikeya, 15.4H

92% left, Dhanishta, Mar, 33.1H

68% av strng, 41% vstr

Su-st, Mo-st, / Ve-wk,

General: Seeking to move on from confrontation. New relationships. Aloofness.


Thu 30 May 24

7% left, Saptami, Drk, Surya, 13.5H

88% left, Shatabhisha, Rah, 31.8H

61% av strng, 37% vstr

Su-st, Mo-st, Ma-st, / Ve-wk,

General: Realization of bare truths. Self-consciousness. Conveying it to the management. Selfish.


Fri 31 May 24

97% left, Navami, Drk, Durga, 33.1H

82% left, Purva Bhadrapada, Jup, 30.3H

52% av strng, 33% vstr

Su-st, /

General: Constrained wisdom. Serious/ sad. Sensing trouble ahead. Being pushed to do.


Sat 01 Jun 24

86% left, Dashami, Drk, Yama, 30.6H

75% left, Uttara Bhadrapada, Sat, 28.6H

51% av strng, 30% vstr

Su-st, / Ra-wk,

General: Having to live the reality of one's limitations. Dialectics and provocations. Watch out.


Sun 02 Jun 24

75% left, Ekadashi, Drk, Devas, 27.9H

67% left, Revati, Mer, 26.8H

51% av strng, 29% vstr

Su-st, / Ra-wk,

General: Restrictive and challenging. Eruptive. Strong response from management. Acute plans.



Regards Astro AKxyz



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