A Few Words....

Mostly use principles of traditional Vedic Astrology. This a non-commercial venture.
Some old publications of the author on various topics done at various times in the past, including predictions for '911' are listed under 'LINKS' .........

Sunday, April 30, 2017

26th April to 25th May 2017 - New Moon Global Mundane, Political & Financial Astrological Predictions

The astrological assessment or 'the predictions':

1.    Governance and authority's role plays will be dominant.

2.    Expenditures will be allocated and undertaken.

3.    Preoccupation with getting recognition from undertaken tasks.

4.    A frenzied state of motivation may appear, but it may be positive.

5.    Information will not be completely accessible and guesswork may be the rule of the day.

6.    Comforting oneself will be dominant too.

7.    Further drying up of the winds will be seen. Heat can definitely be persistent and at times extreme.

8.    Ground shaking events are likely. Volcanic eruptions might be in the news.

9.    Complex dealings in the market. Paying the tax balances. Hidden gains. Complex strategies.

10.  Strange dissatisfaction amongst the organizing working classes.

11.  Legal and educated recourses will be the most beneficial.

12.  Pre-emptive medical strategies will be helpful. Food distribution will be balanced out.

Astrological Energy Chart. Check out the markets in comparison.

Astro-Chart (Click on Picture to Enlarge)

Good Wishes!

AKxyz (Astro)

Corruption is the Achilles Heel of Democracy and its Backbone Practical Principle.