A Few Words....

Mostly use principles of traditional Vedic Astrology. This a non-commercial venture.
Some old publications of the author on various topics done at various times in the past, including predictions for '911' are listed under 'LINKS' .........

Thursday, December 26, 2019

2020 Astrological Energy Curve - Markets Indices Stocks & Mundane

2020 - Mundane, Markets, Stocks, Indices, etc.

This curve indicates certain ambient astrological energy levels.
So, it is a measure of 'undercurrent' for personal as well as mundane events.
Note: Dates are for Dateline day start.

Happy New Year!
Best Wishes
AKxyz - Astro

Monday, December 02, 2019



Festive Greetings!
Astro (AKxyz)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Astro Energy Curve 2019 vs GDow (till now)

Interesting Matching..... 

Festive Greetings!
Best Wishes
Astro (AKxyz)

So keep it colored.......

So keep learning and teaching .......

So keep learning and teaching.....

Thursday, September 26, 2019

25 September to 11 November 2019 - Risk of Intemperance & Aggression


Transits indicate that:
1. An aggressive temperament begins to breed on 25th September 2019.
2. Reduction in rationality is furthered on 29th September. Passions increase.
3. Things may begin to take place without sufficient knowledge from 4th October.
4. Reins of control begin to weaken and command chains misfire from 18th October.
5. 23rd October; some semblance logic returns to take charge.
6. 28th October; mischievousness and selfishness appears with misuse of knowledge.
7. 5th November 2019; legal recourses begin to take shape and amelioration starts.

5th – 6th October may be fierce.
12th – 14th October may be bad.
20th – 21st October may be sad.
26th – 27th October may be angry.
1st – 2nd November may see violence.

Best Wishes
Astro (AKxyz)

So color your heart with compassion.

Is the best legacy and policy there can be.

Sunday, May 05, 2019

4th July to 29th September 2019 - Conflict & Attrition....

Due to Specific combinations and placement of planets

4th July to 29th September 2019 - will see visible signs of conflict and disagreements.

They will be more internal than external, though effects could be a intense weariness....

Best Wishes
Astro (AKxyz)

Friday, May 03, 2019

6th May to 23rd June 2019 – Likelihood of violent incidents…..

Due to specific Transits, 6th May to 23rd June 2019 is likely to see violent incidents in nature as well as manmade events.

Thereafter, from 23rd June to 10th August 2019, the forces of men and nature will be acting under misguidance.


Best Wishes