Astrological Energy Curve.
This curve only indicates the ambient astrological energy levels.
So, it is applicable as measure of an undercurrent for personal as well as mundane events.
Note: Dates are for Dateline day start.
The Predictions:
- Self defeating alliances and interactions are likely to dominate, as self interest may be disproportionate.
- Unnecessary use of authority may be used to rationalize the self centered goals.
- Academic discussions and intellectual dissection of issues will be used to improve projections and increase the feel good and feel secure factors.
- Health issues may dominate things in many ways.
- Money will be made by many, without much sense of satisfaction.
- Women may be under pressure to become more aggressive and probably insensitive.
- Education, housing, vehicles, and such sectors should flourish.
- Deficit financing shall be on the lower side, with credit being expensive.
- Reduction in understandings and collaborative things is likely. Marriages at risk.
- Religiosity, philosophy, travels, and general reduction in hatred towards each other likely.
- Work related things should stabilize and improve. This may be seen in more work opportunities, though with a little more authoritarianism.
- In general, people will enjoy the good benefits of networking, feeling empowered and endowed.
It is very difficult to understand and value oneself, unless we make comparisons; which should not be bereft of appreciation of the variety that is present in Nature. And, Nature itself evolved in all its complexity from impelled gas and dust particles in huge open spaces.
Caution: Even though there are theoretical and mathematical percepts suggesting rationale behind astrology, still due to generalized nature of above propositions, one should use them with some misgiving.