A Few Words....

Mostly use principles of traditional Vedic Astrology. This a non-commercial venture.
Some old publications of the author on various topics done at various times in the past, including predictions for '911' are listed under 'LINKS' .........

Saturday, December 31, 2016

29th December To 27th January 2017 - New Moon Global Astrological Predictions

The astrological assessment or 'the predictions':
1.    Logic and Law are the key words of this cycle of about one month. Authority and military power ineffective or will do more damage than good. Tit for Tat to be avoided. Future looks as if it is heading for bad times.
2.    Donations and charity work. Rehabilitations long term and improvements.
3.    Carrying the message and knowledge to the people will help in situations. Disseminations are important.
4.    Increases in expenditure and investment patterns.
5.    Changes in jobs and employment opportunities. Many chronic vacancies and positions will be taken up.
6.    The policy patterns will be most dictated by attempts to find solutions to problems and keeping the governance rational.
7.    There will be a concerted effort made to try and resolve the un-solvable and un-understandable issues.
8.    Forsaking esteem and dignity for the sake of spontaneous pleasures, desires and instincts.
9.    Thrashing out issues in the open will be helpful. Avoid too much expression of ideologies.
10.  Children will tend to misbehave. They need to be watched by the mothers and whoever is playing that role when outside of home.
11.  Personal relations could have strange peaks and even stranger estrangements, etc.
12.  There will be a tendency to be overly optimistic & may consequently try and be expressively and aggressively indulge in energetic ways of doing things. There won't by anyone to pat on the back the seeming achievements.

The Astrological Energy Chart is given below for reference. Check out the markets in comparison.

Happy New Year! Cheers!
AKxyz (Astro)

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Notable transits astrological predictions

Pertains to 11th December 2016 to say end of January 2017.
There are certain upcoming transits which indicate a certain increase in levels of negative energies which can be brought or kept under some control by the use of legal, financial and emotionally appealing inputs.
This may be difficult to contain when it comes to natural phenomena.
This transition effect plays out with some new order emerging by the end of January in some interesting manner.
AKxyz (Astro)

Sunday, December 04, 2016


1.       Logic and rationality will be taking the back seat with Financials, Authority Establishment  & Incentivized Comfort Building taking the fore.
2.       Inceptions rate will be rather high. The ill health and death rates may also be higher than normal.
3.       Self-interest will dominate the thoughts. This may be accompanied with some self-disciplining for bigger goals.
4.       Warm winds could dominate weather conditions.
5.       Taking out loans to buy properties will be on the higher side.
6.       People will forsake future interests for the present gains.
7.       Consolidation of the Financials and Communications sectors is likely.
8.       Political Dialectics will continue to play out – but somehow people will tend to wise up to it.
9.       Obstinacy, clash of ideologies, over energized states may play out in many things.
10.   Personal animosities will be low.
11.   Emotional strength will be falling short.
12.   Politics could stoop.